News Releases
Solar power generation system at Kobe Plant R&D center
Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd. (Head Office: Kobe, Hyogo, Japan) has been promoting the SDGs actions in accordance with its Mid-Term Business Plan (FY2021-2023), aiming to become a company that can contribute to society through its business activities.
We have installed solar power generation systems on the rooftops of the third and fourth building at the Kobe Plant R&D center. We will strive to reduce CO2 emissions by introducing earth-friendly natural energy.
CO₂ emission reduction target (from FY2013 level)
FY2023 - 20% or more / FY2030 - 35% / FY2050 - Carbon neutral
Overview of the Solar power generation systems
・Amount of electricity generated: 358,000 kWh/year
・Reduction of CO2 : approx. 120t-CO2/year*
・Installed area: 1,608.67 ㎡
・Operation start date: December 1, 2021
*Applying 2019 carbon dioxide emission factor (0.000340t-CO2/kWh)
Public Relations, President's Office
Phone: +81 78-685-5604