News Releases
New plant in India begins operations
Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd. (Head Office: Kobe, Hyogo, Japan) is actively developing global sales expansion activities, and is reviewing and restructuring its production system in accordance with the Mid-Term Business Plan (FY2021-2023).
As a part of these efforts, a new plant of MITSUBOSHI BELTING-INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, an affiliate company in India, has been completed and started operations. In order to meet the growing demand for automobile and motorcycle belts in the Indian market, the production capacity has been expanded to about three times of the old plant, with plans to increase it to about five times in the future. We are also considering using the new plant as an export base.
Overview of the New Plant
・Location : Supa Parner Industrial Park MIDC, Maharashtra
・Site Area :80,000㎡
Public Relations, President's Office
Phone: +81 78-685-5604