CSR Activities
CSR Activities
Initiatives for coexisting in harmony with local communities
All offices and plants of the Mitsuboshi Belting Group aim to grow together with their respective local communities, and to this end, conducts a variety of activities in line with the Mitsuboshi Belting Group Code of Conduct shown below.
From the Mitsuboshi Belting Group Code of Conduct
- ・We will value partnerships with local communities.
- ・We will conduct social contribution activities that will lead to solving issues of local communities.
Initiatives regarding partnerships with local communities and problem-solving (within Japan)
The Mitsuboshi Belting Group in Japan promotes "town development where residents and businesses coexist" and forms a volunteer group called Mitsuboshi Belting Fureai Council consisting of Group employees. The Council plans and hosts various events that provide opportunities to foster and deepen interactions and communication between the local community and employees as well as among the employees themselves while promoting the achievement of SDGs. With movement restrictions due to COVID-19 being lifted from May 2023, we will continue to carry out social contribution activities that will help resolve issues in local communities.
In the Mano district of Nagata-ku, Kobe City, where our Kobe Head Office is located, we regularly exchange opinions with the board of directors and committees of the Mano District Urban Development Promotion Association (22 times in 2020, 22 times in 2021, 22 times in 2022). The committee members include people from government and educational institutions, and we confirming the needs of the local community, which is one of our important stakeholders, before we reflect our deliberations into the events we host.
Partnership event with local communities (in Japan)
Kobe Plant R&D center, Jul. 2023)
(Kobe Plant R&D center, Jun. 2023)
(Shikoku Plant, May 2023)
(Ayabe Production System Development Center, May 2023)
Initiatives regarding partnerships with local communities and problem-solving (overseas affiliates)
Overseas affiliated companies also conduct initiatives to resolve various environmental, educational and social issues under Mitsuboshi Belting Group’s Corporate Philosophy of “To give attentive consideration to both humanity and nature.”
(STI/Kingdom of Thailand)
(STI/Kingdom of Thailand)
(P. T. Seiwa/Republic of Indonesia)
(P. T. Seiwa/Republic of Indonesia)
(Federal Republic of Germany)