Value Chain Management
Value Chain Management (3) Safety and Health
Occupational safety and employee health
The Mitsuboshi Belting Group views human resources as its most important source of value in achieving sustainable growth.
We believe that ensuring the safety and health of our employees and maintaining and improving systems that manage them are priorities in management, and we strive to improve activities that benefit the health and safety of our employees based on our Basic Policy on Occupational Health and Safety.
Basic Policy on Occupational Health and Safety
Ensuring the health and safety of all employees of the Mitsuboshi Belting Group and continuously improving the system that manages them are top business priorities, and all employees are to work together to engage in health and safety activities.
■Code of Conduct
All employees strive for good communication and participate in health and safety activities.
- We maintain and improve the health and safety management system so that it continues to function effectively.
- We comply with health- and safety-related legislations and health and safety management regulations.
- We strive to prevent occupational accidents through risk assessments and health and safety education.
- We promote health management for all employees by implementing health checkups, mental health safeguards, infection control measures, etc.
- We raise road safety awareness to eliminate traffic accidents.
October 1, 2021
Mitsuboshi Belting Ltd.
Management system
The Environment Health & Safety Conference chaired by the Director in Charge of Safety and the Environment and comprises all division heads is held twice a year where the company-wide general safety and health manager compiles the implementation status report. This report is reviewed by the President and the Management Council members, and the results are used to revise strategies, policies, and plans. The revised strategies, policies, and plans are notified by the regional general safety and health manager selected in each region to the Health and Safety Committee, the executing body. They are then converted into policies and plans tailored to each site. The implementation details of the plan are monitored and evaluated, and compiled monthly into a report by the Health and Safety Committee, and the report is submitted by the regional general safety and health manager to the company-wide general safety and health manager.
Implementation status
Each item related to safety and health has been reviewed to identify risks and opportunities it brings to the Mitsuboshi Belting Group business activities, and the results were developed into specific measures.
We will prioritize “Enabling timely response to amendments for thorough compliance,” “Preventing accidents through risk assessments,” and “Maintaining and improving the health checkup system and occupational accident management system” in our activities.
Enabling timely response to amendments for thorough compliance
In preparation for the transition to new chemical substance regulations in line with the amendment to the Industrial Safety and Health Act, we will comply in a timely manner, such as making it mandatory to appoint a chemical substance manager, etc., and at the same time strive to improve internal awareness regarding compliance.
Preventing accidents through risk assessments
Risk assessment is an important tool that plays a fundamental role in preventing occupational accidents and securing the safety of our employees. We aim to identify potential dangers or hazards in all working environments, including production sites, and eliminate or reduce them. In addition to annual plans, we carry out risk assessments as necessary for process changes, etc., in an effort to prevent the occurrence of occupational accidents and work-related illnesses.
Maintaining and improving the health checkup system and occupational accident management system
The Mitsuboshi Belting Group conducts statutory health checkups such as regular health checkups, special health checkups, and stress checks, and builds programs together with health insurance association to offer lifestyle disease checkups, cancer screening, and other checks free of charge. In addition, complete health screening, brain screening, and heart screening can be received at the company’s expense, if the eligibility criteria are met. In FY2022, 100% of the statutory health checkups were carried out, and as for other examinations, everyone who requested one were able to receive it.
Regarding occupational accidents, including traffic accidents, we are strengthening risk management, monitoring through internal audits, and reviewing rules so as to achieve the annual goal of "zero accidents."