Initiatives to Realize a Resource-Recycling Society
Initiatives to Realize a Resource-Recycling Society
~(2) Waste~
Initiatives to realize a circular economy
As the world's population grows and the global economy develops, mass consumption and mass disposal of resources occur, leading to resource depletion and accompanying issues such as environmental pollution and ecosystem breakdown. These social issues are becoming increasing serious.
In order to contribute to the realization of a resource-recycling society, the Mitsuboshi Belting Group is actively promoting various initiatives such as reducing waste and increasing the use ratio of non-petroleum-derived raw materials and recycled materials. With regard to plastics, which have been highlighted as a major cause of marine pollution, as part of our plan to strengthen our plastic-related initiatives from 2023 onwards, we will first establish a plastic management system and define measures and KPIs, and then translate them into specific actions.
Implementation status of initiatives related to reduce waste
The Mitsuboshi Belting Group conducts business activities with a constant awareness of reducing the increase of waste through 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), focusing particularly on "Reduce" through manufacturing improvements and "Reuse" within processes.
The landfill disposal rate of our domestic production sites in FY2022 was 0.14%, which was below the KPI: "landfill disposal rate of 1% or less,"set as an issue to be addressed under Materiality, thus achieving zero emissions. Our overseas production sites in Thailand, China, and India, the landfill disposal rate was zero, but other sites dispose of 100% of their waste in landfills and further recycling efforts are needed.